Art Blog

Here is a place where I write about my art practice, pouring my thoughts and inspirations onto the canvas of words.
Colour me happy…

Colour me happy…

I always find that the seasons do affect my choices of colours. In winter I love dark warmer colours. Summer I always choose lighter and cooler colours. Autumn and Spring fall into these colour categories as well. I have noticed this in art classes as well, how...

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Keeping it simple…

Keeping it simple…

I like it, when I keep things simple. It seems to suit me best. We all have a way of communicating, through our art. I always think our best art is when we stay true to ourselves... Save

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Found Objects…

Found Objects…

One of the things I love to is do small studies of objects that I find. One of things I collect is feathers. I regularly find feathers at home here. We have so many beautiful birds around. I keep jars filled with feathers. I still do not know what bird this came from,...

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Stay in Touch

Keep up to date with what’s happening with art classes, workshops and special day trips.


594 Mountain View Road, Maleny Qld 4552


(07)  5499 9898 or 04271 68983

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