Art Blog

Here is a place where I write about my art practice, pouring my thoughts and inspirations onto the canvas of words.
The Art of Gelli Plate Printing: A  Guide,

The Art of Gelli Plate Printing: A  Guide,

Gelli plate printing has taken the art world by storm, offering a unique and versatile medium for artists to explore. In this article, we will delve into the world of Gelli plate printing, covering its history, how it's made, how to use and care for it. What is Gelli...

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Fugitive Colours: The Elusive Nature of Art

Fugitive Colours: The Elusive Nature of Art

In the world of art, colours are the building blocks of creativity. They evoke emotions, convey meaning, and add depth to a piece. However, not all colours are created equal. Some colours are more fleeting, more ephemeral, and more temperamental than others. These are...

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The Evolution of Art: A Journey Through Time

The Evolution of Art: A Journey Through Time

Art has been a cornerstone of human expression and creativity throughout history. From ancient civilisations to modern times, various art movements have emerged, each with its unique style, techniques, and ideologies. This article will delve into the fascinating world...

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Keep up to date with what’s happening with art classes, workshops and special day trips.


594 Mountain View Road, Maleny Qld 4552


(07)  5499 9898 or 04271 68983

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